International Arbitration
Dispute Resolution is a Arbitration, which is probably most widely used and the most common form of alternative dispute resolution. it is in contrast to mediation a substitute to court proceedings and to a court ruling. so an arbitration ruling is enforceable in all those jurisdictions which have recognized the arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution and in fact most of the countries have including African countries, Asian countries
The key-benefits of that is again it is strictly confidential if the parties agree the arbitrator’s must be impartial there must not be subjected to any conflicts of interest and arbitration is non appealable and therefore it is usually faster
The drawback of that is it is a substituted to a state court ruling and the parties have to be aware that they cannot normally resort to the courts if they are not satisfied with the ruling of the arbitration panel so it is very important that you take a very careful approach to arbitration and that you are assisted by a lawyer or law firm which has experience in this particular area.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
International Arbitration
Bertrand Prell on Alternative Dispute Resolution — International Arbitration